Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stop-Motion Animation

Introducing my very first stop motion animation.
I turned my table over to its side and set the camera on the ground to do this stop motion animation. I used ink. The wiping liquid was Lysol. 
Many paper towels were harmed during the making of this video.
Strictly experimental.
No meaning behind it.
I have a new found respect for stop motion animation creators. Panique au Village (My goodness!)
To keep my lighting consistent, I closed my blinds. I originally did a stop motion where i drew with a pen and coloured with copic markers and I did not like the outcome.
The animation is to Yann Tiersen's La Veillee:

The actual animation:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Life as we know it

This is my short video. The bleeping seconds heard in the beginning are from the start of Hello Skinny, by The Residents. I did not want to use the whole of Hello Skinny because it would not have had a great relationship to the clips presented. I did have a feeling to add that in to the beginning. The first audio is L'absente by Yann Tiersen which was the best audio I could find for my video, it fit. The "second part" of the video which can be seen after an old lady speaks and shoots to black, is Macros Boules by Yann Tiersen. I wrote the title in French "la vie que nous connaissons" to not make the video's meaning seem so obvious. There is meaning in fact, which surprised me because I was going to make this video strictly experimental and without any deep meaning. There is meaning and it is very simple. I chose to make most of the shots black and white to not let any colour interfere with why that shot was put in, and the significance of it. There are too many things I would have done to this video, changes that would take another two weeks. I'm happy overall with my first video and I learned how much I hated Adode Premiere Pro CS3. This is the Youtube video below:

Vive La France!

A poster I had done for a French program offered at FMM.
I am incredibly happy with the outcome.
I used red, blue, and white to symbolize the french flag.
I wanted to incorporate the typical frenchy-atmosphere (inspired by the eiffel tower)
The "Adopt a new tongue" offers the possibility of learning a new language which will become part of you.
I did not unblock the inside of the letters out of a design, not laziness :).
Overall, this was a success in my opinion, but I could've done better(like fix the curve of my R).