Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Totem Poles
 Often large sculptures carved from trees by indigenous people. Because every tribe is different in traditions and beliefs, the totem poles' symbol varies from tribe to tribe. Animals and animal-humans are usually seen on the totem pole. The totems symbolize many things such as: public ridicule, commemoration of important people in history, spiritual powers of nature, and some unpleasant happenings in the past. They are painted and beautifully carved. 
  As people mostly connect this with the Nazi party, the swastika was widely used in Eastern religions (the swastika is turned in a different position). In the Eastern religions, the swastika represented peace, good luck, wealth, and love. It is odd that a symbol that was originally intended for love and peace has been abused and represented, instead for evil and hatred.

Deadly Nightshade
  This plant is known to be highly dangerous. Their berries and leaves are toxic and these toxins trigger hallucinations and delirium.It symbolizes death, deception, and danger.

  Known best for its fine fragrance and culinary use. It symbolizes remembrance (inserted in funeral wreaths), and faith (usually in wedding bouquets).

  Black birds usually connected to greed.
In some religions/cultures, crows symbolize death and evil. Aboriginals connected them to curiosity and mischievousness. The symbolic meanings of crows are intelligence, power, oracle, boldness, skill, slyness, and thievery. 

Olive Wreath
  Usually seen at the Olympics, they are an assortment of leaves, flowers, and other materials usually connected to nature.
The olive wreath symbolizes power and was awarded to the men involved in the Olympic games.

  A lot of people see this as a symbolization of the soldiers lost in the first and second wars. On remembrance day, these poppies are worn to commemorate the dead soldiers. Poppies symbolize death and some people say that these flowers sprung from the blood of the soldiers.

  Bright yellow flowers that grow to tall lengths and have a photo-tropic response where their heads follow the sun. Because of their photo-tropic response, they are symbolized with infatuation and foolish love. The sunflowers "blindly" follow the sun's orientation.

  This parasitic plant is seen every Christmas time, and couples kissing under it due to tradition or just for fun. They have been symbolized as magical and curious based on European folklore. There are many other folklore involving the mistletoe, with all sorts of meanings.

  A plant covered in spikes and prickles.
It is also the national symbol of Scotland. They symbolize protection but also evil.

ANGEL: Symbol of good and evil spirits in religions around the world.

Rose: To symbolize love and passion, use red roses. In Catholicism, red roses are a symbol of the Virgin Mary.

The lion is a symbol meaning deathless courage and fearlessness. The lion symbolizes bravery, strength and royalty.

The raven is a symbol meaning destruction, despair and as the harbinger of bad news.

The snake is a symbol meaning danger, charm and sexual energy, appearing repeatedly in the Bible and other ancient cultures.(http://www.livingartsoriginals.com/animal-symbols.html#catsymbolism)

Olive Branch - The olive branch has for thousands of years been used as a sign of peace and goodwill.

The Apple is a symbol of ecstasy, fertility and abundance as well as love.

Cupid is represented as a naked, chubby boy with wings and possessing a mischievous smile. He carries a bow with a quiver of arrows, which he uses to strike love into our hearts.

Purple is a potent color. Purple is associated with wealth, nobility, stature, religion, piety, magic, and sexuality. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.(http://www.livingartsoriginals.com/list-popular-symbols.html)

Venus and Mars symbolize the physical manifestations of the male/female division in the world.